Hello, I'm Debbie & I am the designer & maker of everything on my site and a lover of gin!
I have over 25 yrs experience as a dressmaker. It all began as a teenager when my Mum opened up a fabric shop. I fell in love with creating a wardrobe of clothes for myself and anything to do with crafts. I later opened up my own shop specialising in making bridesmaid & christening dresses. After a big house move I decided to take my business online and changed to making wedding accessories.
Although I loved having my own shop it was a lot of hard work because I only sold things that I made. So I was having to run a shop and fully stock it myself. Although I do very much miss dealing with customers on a one to one basis I do enjoy selling from the web. I have had customers from all over the world. You never know where the next email/order is coming from, all very exciting!!
I love anything to do with weddings and am constantly designing new idea's, especially when it comes to my wedding garters. Swarovski crystal work is my favourite and I like nothing better than spending my time stitching each crystal on by hand.
I am a very down to earth person and this is also the way I run my site. I have never paid for any fancy advertising and never will simply because I do not need to. Although a lot of my customers find me through google a large proportion are also through previous customers recommending me, which is blooming marvelous! I love the fact that a customer thinks so highly of my work that they want to tell somebody else about me.
Brides purchase something from me and then come back to buy more as gifts for future brides to be.
If you contact me you will receive a reply from ME.
If you see something on my site but want a few changes made please don't be afraid to ask. Everything is made from scratch so it's easily done and as long as it doesn't involve extra materials or time the price will not need to change. I go out of my way to help customers because I want you to be happy with your purchase.
Sewing is my passion and I hope that shows in my works.
I am based in West Butterwick, Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire. Everything I make can be posted worldwide.