First Blog Ever.....
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Hello everybody, welcome to the first blog that I have ever written. It will probably be awful but I'm sure I will improve in time.....
Well, my new site went live last Friday (7th May) and it has been an extremely busy week for me. Lots of orders have come in and I have spent far too many hours on the pc adding new things and changing the site.
I've still got lots more add but there's never enough hours in the day.
I didn't have a very good start to the week when my embroidery machine broke or so I thought. I immediately got on the phone to my Mum and arranged to have her machine couriered down from Lincolnshire to here in Devon.
In the afternoon I went racing off to a sewing machine shop in Exeter, where as if by magic the lovely man fixed it in a few minutes. 'Something' was jammed.
Panic over and I now have my Mum's machine as backup, she however has no machine at all! Good old Mum.
On my first blog ever I would like to thank my best friend Julia for all her input into my new site. She has 'advised' me on what looks good and what doesn't, so if you don't like it blame her!!
Seriously though, thank you Julia, not just for the site but for always being there for me. You help me through the drama's that life throws at me and I couldn't get through them without you. Lots of Love to You & Adam xx
Ooh, this is getting emotional! I'd better sign off before I really get going and tell you my life story.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy my site.
Any feedback is welcomed, good or bad, well mainly good would be better but there's always things that need improving but be gentle....
Debbie x
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