Happy New Year
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A Very Happy New Year to everybody.
Hope you all had a great Christmas. It's back to reality now and the hard work begins.
At least all the snow has gone, although I did read earlier that more was expected in Devon. I really hope not. I just want the winter to go and spring to be on it's way.
While having my Xmas break I came up with lots of lovely ideas for new designs and hopefully I will be trying them out very soon.
First up is going to be a range of luxury garters. I want to do a lot more bead work, my favourite thing and am working on some new guipure garters with gorgeous beads along the lace. It's very time consuming hand stitching the beads on and I probably don't charge enough for the hours it takes to stitch them on but I do so enjoy doing it.
Hopefully 3 new garters will be listed later on today and I am also thinking of making a matching ring cushion.
Must dash now......work to do!
Debbie xx
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